Allergens and Intolerances

It is very important, that when sending out your invitations, you ask your guests if they have any dietary requirements or allergies to any foodstuffs and that you then pass this information onto us. 

 On the day itself, they (or those that they are responsible for) must be made known to our service team along with their dietary needs. 

All foods are prepared in a kitchen that handles and stores all food items. Whilst we can ensure that a dish has been prepared without a particular ingredient and that all food preparation surfaces and equipment were cleaned in advance of preparation, we cannot guarantee against cross contamination or trace elements! 

You and your guests can download our menu pack with each dish's allergens listed, please see the button below. 

Where possible, when informed in advance, we will endeavour to provide appropriate alternatives where necessary.

Menu pack 2024 Allergen list.pdf